Insurance market automating rapidly, survey suggests.

June 26, 2024
1 min read


Many technology professionals in the insurance market believe that automation has been rushed without proper planning, according to a survey by RDT Tech. 85% of respondents feel that some areas of the market have not created effective enhancement plans for their platforms.


According to a recent survey by RDT Tech, a majority of technology professionals in the insurance industry feel that the market has rushed into automation without adequate planning. The survey found that 85% of respondents believed that some areas of the market have not created effective step-by-step enhancement plans for their platforms.

This rush into automation without proper planning can lead to challenges and inefficiencies in the long run. Without a clear enhancement plan, insurers and MGAs may not fully optimize the benefits of automation and may face difficulties in integrating new technologies into their existing systems.

It is crucial for companies in the insurance market to take a strategic approach to automation, ensuring that they have a well-defined plan for implementation, enhancement, and integration of automated systems. By taking the time to develop a comprehensive strategy, insurers and MGAs can maximize the benefits of automation and stay competitive in the evolving market.

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