Tech revolutionize farming and insurance coverage.

February 7, 2024
1 min read

One U.S. farm can feed 166 people annually. Demands on agriculture are growing, though: With global population forecast to increase by 2.2 billion by 2050, farmers will need to grow about 70% more food than what is currently produced, a recent report stated. It’s no wonder then that farmers have turned to robotics and other technology to improve their agricultural operations. Robotics is bringing efficiency into labor-intensive operations, giving time back to the farmer. From robotic milking of dairy cows to GPS tracking of herds for breeding, to drone spraying of fertilizers and chemicals, technology used today is changing the risk management environment for farms. And insurance agents and brokers need to keep up so they can best guide clients. Agents can play a pivotal role in helping agriculture clients’ insurance programs protect the opportunities afforded by technology. Here are three examples of agricultural technology and how insurance plays in.

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