Boost productivity with insurance tech and shiny AI-driven objects.

August 24, 2024
1 min read


Key Points:

  • AI and generative AI (gen AI) are transforming productivity in the insurance industry.
  • CEOs are prioritizing productivity due to rising costs and the impact of COVID-19.

Gen AI insurance use cases: A comprehensive approach

The emergence of AI and generative AI (gen AI) has sparked a new wave of productivity discussions in the insurance industry. In a recent podcast by McKinsey, senior partner Jörg Mußhoff, along with partners Elena Pizzocaro and Selim Sulos, highlighted the importance of revisiting insurance productivity and the strategies for leveraging AI in transformative ways.

According to Selim Sulos, the impact of inflation and rising interest rates has made productivity a top priority for CEOs in the insurance sector. Technology, particularly automation and AI, is seen as a key driver of productivity improvements, with gen AI alone potentially eliminating up to 50% of manual activities.

Elena Pizzocaro emphasized the need for a comprehensive approach to transformation, combining new technologies with traditional techniques like performance management. Successful transformations in insurance companies involve reimagining core processes and monitoring progress towards productivity goals.

Selim Sulos highlighted the importance of balancing new productivity paradigms with traditional approaches, especially for midsize insurance carriers with capital constraints. Redesigning end-to-end components and optimizing technology pipelines are essential for unlocking the full potential of AI and gen AI.

Both Pizzocaro and Sulos discussed the practical applications of gen AI in insurance, from smart routing in call centers to modernizing legacy tech and improving underwriting and claims processes. They emphasized the need for change management and cautioned against getting distracted by “shiny objects” without first addressing core processes and building blocks for productivity.

In conclusion, the potential for gen AI to revolutionize productivity in the insurance industry is significant, but it requires a strategic and disciplined approach to implementation. By combining new technologies with traditional methods and focusing on process redesign, insurance companies can unlock new levels of efficiency and customer experience.

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