Cut your insurance costs with smart home technology.

April 26, 2024
1 min read

Using Smart Tech at Home to Lower Insurance Costs


Using smart tech at home can help lower insurance costs by preventing costly events that result in insurance claims, such as leaks and break-ins. Insurance companies offer discounts for specific smart tech in the house, with some companies providing discounts of up to 20% for using certain devices.

Key Points:

  • Insurance costs are rising due to inflation, leading people to look for ways to reduce costs through savings programs and discounts offered by insurance companies.
  • Smart tech can prevent events such as leaks and break-ins, which are among the most common insurance claims, and can lead to discounts of 5-20% on insurance premiums.

Insurance companies are recognizing the benefits of smart tech in reducing claims and are offering discounts for using certain devices. These discounts can range from 5-20%, depending on the device and insurance company. Investing in smart tech for your home can not only provide peace of mind but also lower your insurance bills.

By leveraging smart tech devices like water leak monitors, security systems, and electrical monitors, homeowners can reduce the risk of damage to their property and ultimately save money on insurance premiums. Contact your current insurer to see if you qualify for any discounts, and explore options for switching to a company that offers discounts for using smart tech in your home.

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