Ditto Insurance hiring former UPSC aspirants for insurtech opportunities.

April 25, 2024
1 min read


  • Insurtech firm Ditto Insurance is offering jobs to former UPSC aspirants to join their advisory team.
  • The company is backed by Nithin Kamath’s Zerodha.

The co-founder of Ditto Insurance, Bhanu Harish Gurram, announced on April 17 that former UPSC aspirants could join the insurance tech company’s advisory team. This opportunity comes after the much-awaited results for the Civil Services Exam 2023 were declared by UPSC on the same day. Backed by Nithin Kamath’s Zerodha, Ditto Insurance is providing a chance for those with aspirations in the civil services to leverage their skills and expertise in the insurance sector.

Offering jobs to former UPSC aspirants is a unique initiative that opens up diverse career paths for individuals who may have been preparing for a career in the civil services. By joining the advisory team at Ditto Insurance, these candidates can bring their knowledge and expertise to the insurtech industry, contributing to innovation and growth in the sector.

It’s important to note the significance of this initiative in bridging the gap between traditional career paths and emerging industries. By welcoming former UPSC aspirants into the insurtech space, Ditto Insurance is not only offering employment opportunities but also fostering a culture of learning and collaboration between different sectors. This move reflects a forward-thinking approach to talent acquisition and underscores the value of diverse perspectives in shaping the future of the insurance industry.

In conclusion, the decision to offer jobs to former UPSC aspirants is a strategic move by Ditto Insurance to tap into a pool of talented individuals with unique skill sets and experiences. By aligning with Nithin Kamath’s Zerodha, the company is positioning itself as a dynamic player in the insurtech ecosystem, driving innovation and growth through diverse talent acquisition strategies.

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